Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Moving Day!

Have you heard?! The Dolly Marlowe Diaries is moving to a new home. Keep up on the latest vintage gossip at

Photo by Mike Basso

Hello Darlings!

Ah the new year! New Year's Eve and subsequently New Year's Day are two of my favorite holidays. I love the feeling of starting fresh, erasing mistakes, or better yet, building on improvements I've made throughout the previous year. 2014 will be no different. Last year I vowed to be more organized, to get more accomplished, and to spend more time enjoying life and my family. I think i've done a fine job of it so far, but my little diary still needs help, and so I'm announcing my move to word-press! 
Not an earth shattering revelation, mind you, but if you aren't reading my diary via one of those feed gadgets,  then chances are, you'll miss all the new exciting bits I'll be adding. And we can't have that now can we?! 
Anyhow, this will be my last post here on blogger. My new home is still under construction, but I shall soldier on! Please stop by and add it to your reading list. You can also subscribe so my posts show right up in your in-box. You can also find me on Instagram and Twitter (@dollymarlowe).  I look forward to sharing all kinds of wonderful things with you in my "new" home. You'll find me at

I hope to hear from you soon!


Dolly Marlowe

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Atomic Pasta Salad

Hello Darlings!
Well, summer is finally upon us. It's time for BBQs, picnics, and all sorts pot-luck of frivolity. Being a vegetarian, the ubiquitous summer gathering always poses a bit of a challenge. I love food, and I do not eat like a bird. There is nothing worse than smelling bbq and watching everyone stuff themselves while I gnaw on carrot sticks and mellon balls. Mama wants to EAT! Well, I'm sure there are some things worse than that (war, cancer, American Idol), but starving at a bbq is up there. I also feel it is bad form to expect the hosts to arrange their party around my dietary needs. Yes, that is part of good party planning, but when I am a guest, I need to be prepared.
So, I came up with this little dish to fill any veggie voids left by my carnivorous hosts... Atomic Pasta Salad. Tasty, filling, and always a welcome addition to any summer soirée. Don't worry it isn't spicy. The name "Atomic" doesn't come from the flavor, but from the atomic age. In the 1950's convenience foods were all the rage, bottled, canned, frozen... plastic was in! This salad is a reflection of that. It is not organic or "from scratch" by any means, although the recipe can be tweaked to make it so. It's easy to make last minute with what you've got hanging around the kitchen already. I last brought this salad to an Easter bbq and egg hunt, and it was one of the most popular dishes of the party. It's quite the complement when you go home with an empty dish!
The delish sandwich in the background is a BLT lovingly hand crafted by my Mr. with soy bacon!

Atomic Pasta Salad
Prep time: 10 minutes
Total cook/chill time: 1 hour
Servings: 6 - 8

12oz Rainbow Rotini Pasta
1/2c diced red onion
1/2c chopped red bell pepper
1/2c finely chopped carrots
1/4c green onion
1 tbsp finely chopped fresh rosemary
1 tbsp minced garlic
1/4c Olive Oil (light)
2 tbsp Strawberry Basil Balsamic Vinegar
2 tbsp Brianna's Homestyle Blush Wine Vinaigrette Dressing
Shredded Parmesan Cheese to taste
Salt and Pepper to taste
*optional add ins: I like to add sliced grape tomato and black olives. My Mr. hates both of those things, so I put them on the side and add them to my individual plate.
1/2c Ken's Steak House Creamy Balsamic Salad Dressing
Nothing fancy... just bits from my kitchen.

1) Bring 4 to 6 quarts of water to a rolling boil. Add pasta. Boil pasta for about 9 min. stirring     occasionally.
2) Drain pasta and set it aside in a large glass mixing bowl.
3) Mix in olive oil. Be sure to coat all of the pasta to prevent sticking.
4) Add in red onion, green onion, carrots, rosemary, and garlic. Mix well, but be careful not to disturb      the shape of the pasta. The spirals will be somewhat fragile until they cool.
5) Fold in the Ken's Steakhouse Creamy Balsamic Salad Dressing. Be sure to coat every last bit of pasta and veg!
6) Add in the Strawberry Basil Balsamic Vinegar and Brianna's Homestyle Blush Wine Vinaigrette Dressing. Again, stir well, but carefully.
7) Add parmesan, slat, and pepper to taste.
8) Cover and refrigerate for about an hour or until cold.

Fresh rosemary from my garden. 

I do hope you enjoy!

Dolly Marlowe